Kindness comes in various forms, and for the People for People Foundation, it’s centered on lending out a helping hand to members of the immediate society in their time of utmost need. Founded in November 2003, this hugely benevolent charity group provides an outlet to relief and happiness when times get rough for members of the Gloucester community. As the name People for People subtly lets out it’s all about people providing a shoulder to lean on and collaborating to assist other members of their communities at their immediate point of need.
Its model of operation is pretty straightforward; target the grassroots and reach out to the voiceless, the unheard of and the unattended to. Rather than focus on the sensational, People for People Foundation sets its magnanimous glance on the everyday citizen.Google photos
The end game is to assist individuals with needs that fall outside the radar of conventional charity organizations and help initiatives. While the world focusses on more ‘pressing’ humanitarian needs, these individuals are left to weather their storms by themselves with no one to turn to. The result, a slew of avoidable circumstances that more often than not worsens into outright humanitarian emergencies. People for People Foundation aligns itself to cover for the needs of these people and in so doing prevent the prevailing situation from escalating into something that is much worse.

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Consider a single mother whose youngest child had come down with cancer. In trying to care for the child, the mother lost a considerable part of her income and was consequently defaulting on utility bill payments. Although she could still hope for a charity to take up her child’s case, the financial windstorm it had shored up on her family exceeds the coverage of most charity organizations. People for People stepped into the situation and first, gifted her with the funds needed to offset her family’s utility bills before proceeding to recommend to her a slew of organizations that specialized in providing counseling and financial help for families bearing the burden of cancer.
This scenario typifies the value proposition of People for People. On her own, the mother would have been unable to sort out her finances or care for her daughter. And at this stage, most charity outlets would consider her case a ‘bearable’ or ‘out of reach’ one. More so she lacked the voice to reach out to these organizations even if they cared. Because People for people is organized locally with participation from members of the Gloucester community, it is sensitive to the plight of people on a basic level. Expectedly its community-driven responses are also swift, providing a solution that works further to stymie any undesirable consequence of an existing problem.
By taking the proactive step People for People Foundation provides a sustainable mechanism for providing much-needed help at the grassroots. It prevents the formation of large scars from what are merely superficial wounds. More importantly, it fosters healthy communal relationships, works to put smiles on people’s faces and reiterates the eternal fact that there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness – everything works to the greater and much more impactful good of the society.