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Evelyn Champagne King – The Diva Of Disco Era

The Amazing Life and Career of Evelyn Champagne King 

The singer and performer known as Evelyn Champagne King first came to prominence with the rise of the disco era. In fact, Evelyn Champagne King was one of the stars of that special period of time, enjoying success with such million-selling hits as “Shame” and “I Don’t Know if It’s Right.” But there is much more to this amazing performer than just a few disco-era hits.Evelyn Champagne King seemed destined for success from the start. Born on July 1, 1960 in Brooklyn, NY, Evelyn Champagne King became part of a showbiz lineage whose members had enjoyed great success in their own right. 

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Evelyn – As a Performer@ Age Of 16.

It was the strength of her voice that eventually gave Evelyn Champagne King her big break. A famous producer for Philadelphia International Records overheard some vocals through the thin walls of a washroom. Intrigued, he investigated and found Evelyn Champagne King and her mother. The younger King was just 16-years old at the time, but that did not stop Philadelphia International Records from signing a record deal with her. That deal was a partnership with RCA, and soon Evelyn Champagne King was recording hit songs like “Champagne” and “Dancin’ Dancin’ Dancin’.” Those recordings were quite impressive in their own right, but it was the release of “Shame” that would make Evelyn Champagne King a national and international star.

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Evelyn’s New Album – Show Some Love

Evelyn Champagne King’s uncle was the well-known Avon Long, a singer, dancer and actor who had played the role of Sportin’ Life in Porgy & Bess and also started in the 1970s play Bubblin’ Brown Sugar. Her father was none other than Erik King, a singer who often appeared at the famous Apollo Theatre in New York City.It was clear that Evelyn Champagne King had inherited the talent for performing that her family was so well known for. By the time she reached her teens, Evelyn Champagne King was already singing with several musical groups. By that time she had left her native New York and relocated to Philadelphia with her mother, who found work as a cleaning lady to make ends meet for the family.From her earliest performances, critics and audiences often remarked that Evelyn Champagne King had a startlingly mature voice for someone so young. In fact, many listeners mistook this young teenager for a middle-aged woman based on her voice alone. Her recent album “Show Some Love” was released on march 25th and her fans are loving it. 

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The Famous Record – Shame

Evelyn Champagne King quickly proved that she was no one-hit wonder, following up the success of “Shame” with “I Don’t Know if It’s Right,” which also went on to achieve gold status and peaked at #7 on the R&B charts and 23 on the pop charts in 1978. Her Smooth Talk album went gold, and Evelyn Champagne King followed it up with other popular LPs like Call on Me and Music Box.  



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Evelyn Performing Live

Evelyn Champagne King continued to record throughout the 1980s, 1990s and beyond, gaining new fans and pleasing old ones every step along the way. Her live performances are highly anticipated events, combining the stunningly mature and rich vocals Evelyn Champagne King was known for with a sense of showmanship and stage presence few artists are able to achieve. With so much talent, it is no wonder Evelyn Champagne King has become a household name with music lovers of all ages. https://www.facebook.com/events/614795318655613/

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